array_map causes server to crash array_map causes server to crash codeigniter codeigniter

array_map causes server to crash

You should check your IIS PHP error logs, you should be able to find this through your IIS admin in the PHP configuration and read it from there.

Make sure that your PHP log level is at least E_ALL and error_reporting is turned on, if this is a dev server you should probably have display_errors on too. These are all options in your PHP.ini which you can also edit from your IIS admin console.

If that is no help here are some areas which you should have a look at;

  • Call $this->user->get('user_id') before the query and set the result to an instance of a variable. This will show you if the user class is instantiated and if there are any problems with scope on the get function in the user class.
  • Also call this outside of the get_where too, $this->firm->id, id may not be a public property which will also cause PHP to fatal.

@Kristian Have you tried declaring parse_service_rows() before tab()? I recall reading somewhere that there can be problems using a callback if the callback function is declared after the calling function.