Backbone: No data added to model on fetch() Backbone: No data added to model on fetch() codeigniter codeigniter

Backbone: No data added to model on fetch()

You are doing a fetch on a Model, but returning Collection in response. That is main problem.

Second problem is that you are calling render on AppView totally random, i.e. it does not have anything to do with model or collection. Maybe there would be nothing in model when you render view. You should bind rendering to collection or model with bind. Than whenever you call fetch your view will re-render, which is one of main benefits of Backbone :)

Here comes the code :)

window.Person = Backbone.Model.extend({});window.Addressbook = Backbone.Collection.extend({    url: 'http://dev.local/ci/index.php/site/userpost',// declare url in collection    model: Person}window.Addresses = new AddressBook();window.AppView = Backbone.View.extend({    el: $('#content'),    initialize: function() {        Addresses.bind('reset', this.render); // bind rendering to Addresses.fetch()    },    render: function(){        console.log(Addresses.toJSON());    }});window.appview = new AppView();Addresses.fetch();