Best Practices: What's the Best Way for Constructing Headers and Footers? Best Practices: What's the Best Way for Constructing Headers and Footers? codeigniter codeigniter

Best Practices: What's the Best Way for Constructing Headers and Footers?

Actually, after researching this quite a bit myself, I came to the conclusion that the best practice for including headers and footers in MVC is a third option - namely extending a base controller. That will give you a little more flexibility than htxt's suggestion, particularly if you're building a very modular layout (not just header and footer, also sidebar panels, non-static menus, etc.).

First, define a Base_controller class, in which you create methods that append your page elements (header, footer, etc.) to an output string:

class Base_controller extends Controller{    var $_output = '';    function _standard_header($data=null)    {        if (empty($data))            $data = ...; // set default data for standard header here        $this->_output .= $this->load->view('header', $data, true);    }    function _admin_header($data=null)    {        if (empty($data))            $data = ...; // set default data for expanded header here        $this->_output .= $this->load->view('admin_header', $data, true);    }    function _standard_page($data)    {        $this->_standard_header();        $this->_output .=            $this->load->view('standard_content', $data, true);        echo $this->_output; // note: place the echo statement in a                             // separate function for added flexibility    }    function _page_with_admin_header($data)    {        $this->_admin_header($data);        $this->_output .=            $this->load->view('standard_content', $data, true);        echo $this->_output;    }}

Then, in your page controllers, simply extend the base class and call your functions to build the page.

class Page_controller extends Base_controller{    function index()    {        $data = ...; // Set content data here        $this->_standard_page($data);    }    function admin()    {        $data = ...; // Set content and header data here        $this->_page_with_admin_header($data);    }}

Using a base controller, you can achieve very clean code in your individual page controllers AND have separate views for elements on the page (allowing code reuse in both views and controllers). All you need to do is define your common page 'sections' (what you might be tempted to call 'fragments') as functions in your base controller.

And if the base controller should start to grow uncontrollably (which can happen on large sites), you can rearrange some of its less-general functions by placing them in subclasses, and let the corresponding page controllers extend those instead of the original base controller.


/Jens Roland

You could also try it this way -- define a default view template, which then pulls in the content based on a variable ('content' in my example) passed by the controller.

In your controller:

$data['content'] = 'your_controller/index';// more code...$this->load->vars($data);$this->load->view('layouts/default');

Then define a default layout for all pages e.g. views/layouts/default.php

// doctype, header html etc.<div id="content">    <?= $this->load->view($content) ?></div>// footer html etc.

Then your views can just contain the pure content e.g. views/your_controller/index.php might contain just the variables passed from the controller / data array

<?= $archives_table ?><?= $pagination ?>// etc.

More details on the CI wiki/FAQ -- (Q. How do I embed views within views? Nested templates?...)

I think the first way you are doing it is cleaner. Simply from a point of view of knowing that is going to be rendered. Rather than having to enter the view file to find the rest.