Best way to make Admin pages in CodeIgniter? Best way to make Admin pages in CodeIgniter? codeigniter codeigniter

Best way to make Admin pages in CodeIgniter?

Definitely a different controller at least!

I used to think that I could keep all my admin functions in a single controller, but as my programs grew, I realized that I needed multiple controllers in my administration section.

So, I created a folder inside my controllers folder with the name "admin" and put all my administrative controllers in there. So my folders would look something like:

  • application
    • controllers
      • front.php
      • welcome.php
      • admin
        • dashboard.php
        • useradmin.php
  • etc...

One problem this creates, however, is when you type in your browser, it returns a 404 page. So, go to your "application/config/routes.php" file and add a custom route:

$routes['admin'] = 'admin/dashboard/index';

It's a good idea to have an admin folder in the controllers folder wherein you can access your administration e.g.

All your administrative needs will be there and all methods will be protected by checking user privileges like so:

if ( ! $this->auth->logged_in(array('login', 'admin'))){    $this->session->set_flashdata('message', 'You do not have access to view this page');    redirect('admin/users/login');}

Then all controllers outside the 'admin' folder will - depending on your type of site - will only be for viewing, etc.. no administrative portions.

Idea 2 is better.system/application/controllers/admin

You keep all your admin controllers here.