Bootstrap Modal With Codeigniter Form Validation Bootstrap Modal With Codeigniter Form Validation codeigniter codeigniter

Bootstrap Modal With Codeigniter Form Validation

Error_validation is a feature that CI provides.

You can only use error_validation of code igniter when the page is submitted hence, the bootstrap modal is automatically closed because the page is getting submitted.

If you want to perform a form validation on a modal, it is better you use AJAX

If you want to show the error message above the form_open,just make a blank div like:

<div class='error_msg'></div>

and with jquery:

$(function(){$('#form_id').submit(function(event){event.preventDefault();var custemail = $('#email_id').val();var custname = $('#name').val();$.ajax({        type: 'POST',        url: your controller path,        data: {         'name': custname,         'email': custemail        },        dataType: 'html',        success: function(results){             if(something not as you expected){              $('.error_msg').html('error msg');              return false;             }        }  });});});