Can't post blank to database: postgreSQL and Codeigniter Can't post blank to database: postgreSQL and Codeigniter codeigniter codeigniter

Can't post blank to database: postgreSQL and Codeigniter

Not sure if you resolved this yet - just in case, here is another answer.

$column1 = $this->input->post('column1');$data = array('testcol' => 'testing',          'column1' => (empty($column1) || !is_numeric($column1)) ? 0 : $column1);

This will set column1 to 0 if column1 is empty or if column1 is not a number

Prior to version 5.5 the empty function only supports variables. Meaning empty($this->input->post('field')) will throw a fatal error. PHP 5.5 included support for using expressions as arguments to empty. The error was most likely a result of using a function as an argument to the empty function. Check your version of php to confirm this.

here is the php empty documentation

You could make use of a ternary operator.

'column1' => empty($this->input->post('column1'))? 0 : $this->input->post('column1'),