ccavenue api integration with codeigniter ccavenue api integration with codeigniter codeigniter codeigniter

ccavenue api integration with codeigniter

Here you can get the documentation.

And you can get the code from the ccavenue account. just ask for ccavenue account holder to send you the code zip folder which contains 3 languages code and you have to go with php folder.

Ask for the following

  1. Integration Kit:
    Login to ccavenue account and click on the link to download the kit. you will find this within the "How to set up your ccavenue account?".

  2. Working Key: Go to settings and option links in top menu and click on Generate Working key link. And select activate option.

  3. Merchant Id:You will see it in same page where working key is created.

After getting the code you just need to use that code in codeigniter's way.

You can also have a look on this code.

             **Here is your view file subscription.php**                 <html>                   <head>                              <script>                                 window.onload = function() {                                 var d = new Date().getTime();                                document.getElementById("tid").value = d;                                     };                              </script>                     </head>          <body>        <form method="POST" name="customerData" action="<?php echo base_url('ws_user/ccavRequestHandler'); ?>">                                    <input type="hidden" name="tid" id="tid"  />                <input type="hidden" name="merchant_id" value="your merchent id"/>                <input type="hidden" name="payment_option" value="OPTNBK">                  <input type="hidden" name="order_id" value="123654789"/>                <input type="hidden" name="merchant_param1" value="your custom value"/>                <input type="hidden" name="merchant_param2" value="<?php echo $userId; ?>"/>                <input type="hidden" name="amount" value="<?php echo $amount; ?>"/>                <input type="hidden" name="currency" value="INR"/>                <input type="hidden" name="redirect_url" value="<?php  echo base_url('webservice/payDone');?>"/>                <input type="hidden" name="cancel_url" value="<?php  echo base_url('webservice/cancelPayment');?>"/>                <input type="hidden" name="billing_name" value="<?php echo $addressData[0]->name;?>"/>                <input type="hidden" name="billing_address" value="<?php echo $addressData[0]->AddressLine1 . ' '.  $addressData[0]->Addressline2;?>"/>                <input type="hidden" name="billing_city" value="<?php echo $addressData[0]->city_name;?>"/>               <input type="hidden" name="billing_state" value="<?php echo $addressData[0]->state_name;?>"/>             <input type="hidden" name="billing_zip" value="<?php echo $addressData[0]->Zipcode;?>"/>             <input type="hidden" name="billing_country" value="<?php echo $addressData[0]->country_name;?>"/>             <input type="hidden" name="billing_tel" value="<?php echo $addressData[0]->contact;?>"/>       </form>    <script language='javascript'>document.customerData.submit();</script>  </body></html>

Here is your CI FUNCTION

         public function ccavRequestHandler()    {        $this->load->view('ccavRequestHandler');    }

Here is your file ccavRequestHandler.php

         <html>              <body>                <?php include('Crypto.php')?>               <?php                    $merchant_data='';                  $working_key='your working key';//Shared by CCAVENUES                  $access_code='your access code';//Shared by CCAVENUES                  foreach ($_POST as $key => $value)                  {                    $merchant_data.=$key.'='.urlencode($value).'&';                  }                $encrypted_data=encrypt($merchant_data,$working_key); ?>             <form method="post" name="redirect" action="">             <?php            echo "<input type=hidden name=encRequest value=$encrypted_data>";            echo "<input type=hidden name=access_code value=$access_code>";?>          </form>         <script language='javascript'>document.redirect.submit()</script>          </body>         </html>

Here is your success URL

   public function payDone()    {                     $encResp=$_REQUEST['encResp'];                     $working_key='YOURKEY';                     $decryptValues=explode('&',$this->common->decrypt($encResp,$working_key));                     $dataSize=sizeof($decryptValues);                     /*CODE FOR GET YOUR VERIABLE WHEN REDIRECT ON YOUR URL */                        for($i = 0; $i < $dataSize; $i++)             {                $information=explode('=',$decryptValues[$i]);                if($information[0] == 'merchant_param1')                {                    $address = $information[1];                }                if($information[0] == 'merchant_param2')                {                   $userid = $information[1];                }                if($information[0] == 'order_status')                {                   $order_status = $information[1];                }            }        /*CHECK PAYMENT IS SUCCESS OR FAIL */           if($order_status == 'Success')                                  {         /* DO what ever you want after successful payment */                                                    Redirect('webservice/paymentSuccess');                                  }                                  else                                   {                           /* do whatever you want after failure */                                     redirect('webservice/paymentFail');                                  }    }