character encoding of the HTML document was not declared codeigniter character encoding of the HTML document was not declared codeigniter codeigniter codeigniter

character encoding of the HTML document was not declared codeigniter

When you refresh that page you get a blank one, if you view source that page you'll see it's blank that is has a number count. My guess is that you're doing something when the page refreshes that sends a white space to the browser. I can only suggest not to close your files with ?> and let php handle how your scripts will exit/die. There's some whitespace in your code that's causing that.

try adding these in head section of your view:

<meta content="text/html;charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type"><meta content="utf-8" http-equiv="encoding">


In the first lines of Session class constructor, it loads the String helper.Yesterday I've created a helper called string_helper.php and this conflict was what crashing application.

I renamed my string_helper.php file and now everything works fine.

Thanks all!