Check session from a view in CodeIgniter Check session from a view in CodeIgniter codeigniter codeigniter

Check session from a view in CodeIgniter

Load it into the view like any other piece of data...

$data['item'] = $this->session->userdata('item');$this->load->view('view', $data);

In view, you can access all loaded library, model, and helper function directly. If in controller you have load the session, or do it in autoload, then doing this in views will work:

<?php echo $this->session->userdata('session_key'); ?>

If you want to access some function that haven't loaded in autoload or in the controller, you can use this:

<?php$CI =& get_instance();$CI->load->model('some_model');echo $CI->some_model->some_function($some_param);?>

I usually use this for a common view that loaded by other views, such as displaying visitor country flag, etc.

Hope this help.