CI3 (Twig) Query result array is empty CI3 (Twig) Query result array is empty codeigniter codeigniter

CI3 (Twig) Query result array is empty

You don't need ->select("*"). From CodeIgniter docs:



If you are selecting all (*) from a table you do not need to use this function. When omitted, CodeIgniter assumes that you wish to select all fields and automatically adds ‘SELECT *’.

So you can do just this:

$query = $this->db->get("phrases")->result_array();

By the way, I think that e.g. $phrases would be a better variable name.

Another doc page describes the result_array() method:

This method returns the query result as a pure array, or an empty array when no result is produced. Typically you’ll use this in a foreach loop.

So, $query is an array, so you need to loop through it in Twig. The array is not empty, you even posted its contents to your question. I expanded the contents to multiple rows for readability:

[    0 => [        'id' => '31',        'keyword' => 'hello_world',        'value' => 'Hello World',        'language' => 'english'    ],    1 => [        'id' => '35',        'keyword' => 'beautiful_weather',        'value' => 'It\'s a beautiful weather today',        'language' => 'english'    ],    2 => [        'id' => '36',        'keyword' => 'goodbye',        'value' => 'Goodbye!',        'language' => 'english'    ],    3 => [        'id' => '37',        'keyword' => 'test',        'value' => 'Test123',        'language' => 'english'    ]]

So, you have four items and each of them has keys id, keyword, value and language. You can loop through the array in Twig e.g. like this:

{% for item in query %}    ID is {{ }}    Keyword is {{ item.keyword }}    Value is {{ item.value }}    Language is {{ item.language }}{% endfor %}


ID is 31Keyword is hello_worldValue is Hello WorldLanguage is englishID is 35Keyword is beautiful_weatherValue is It's a beautiful weather todayLanguage is englishID is 36Keyword is goodbyeValue is Goodbye!Language is englishID is 37Keyword is testValue is Test123Language is english


You can perform the foreach loop in PHP like this:

$phrase = [];foreach ($query as $result) {    $phrase[$result->keyword] = $result->value;}$this->twig->addGlobal("phrase", $phrase);

And then in Twig:

{{ phrase.hello_world }}{{ phrase.beautiful_weather }}{{ phrase.goodbye }}{{ phrase.test }}