Client-side or server-side processing? Client-side or server-side processing? codeigniter codeigniter

Client-side or server-side processing?

Congratulations for moving to dynamic sites! I would say the following conditions have to be met for you to do client-side layout (it goes without saying that you should always be doing things like filtering DB queries and controlling access rights server side):

  • Client browser and connection capabilities are up to snuff for the vast majority of use cases
  • SEO and mobile/legacy browser degradation are not a big concern (much easier when you synthesize HTML server side)

Even then, doing client-side layout makes testing a lot harder. It also produces rather troublesome synchronization issues. With an AJAX site that loads partials, if part of the page screws up, you might never know, but with regular server-side composition, the entire page is reloaded on every request. It also adds additional challenges to error/timeout handling, session/cookie handling, caching, and navigation (browser back/forward).

Finally, it's a bit harder to produce perma-URLs in case someone wants to share a link with their friends or bookmark a link for themselves. I go over a workaround in my blog post here, or you can have a prominent "permalink" button that displays a dynamically rendered permalink.

Overall, especially when starting out, I would say go with the more kosher, better supported, more tutorialed, traditional approach of putting together the HTML server side. Then dip in some AJAX here and there (maybe start out with form validation or auto-completion), and then move on up.

Good luck!

It is much better to do the heavy lifting on the server side.

In CodeIgniter you create a view, looping through all the rows in the table adding in the classes or whatever else you would need. There is no reason at all to do this in Javascript.

Javascript is a sickly abused language with unfortunate syntax. Why on earth would you want to load a page, and then issue a AJAX call to load up some JSON objects to push into a table is beyond me. There is little reason to do that.

Javascript (and jQuery) is for end user enhancement. Make things slide, flash, disappear! It is not for data processing in even the mildest of loads. The end user experience would be crap because you're relying on their machine to process all the data when you have a server that is infinitely more capable and even designed for this specifically.

It's better to do as much as possible on the server-side because 1) you don't know if the client will even have JavaScript enabled and 2) you don't know how fast the client-side processing will be. If they have a slow computer and you make them process the entire site, they're going to get pretty ticked off. JavaScript/jQuery is only supposed to be used to enhance your site, not process it.