CodeIgniter auth security model CodeIgniter auth security model codeigniter codeigniter

CodeIgniter auth security model

Everything you mentioned is good. I'm not familiar with phpass however. Make sure that when you hash the passwords, that you are using a salt.

An if_logged_in = true check is sufficient because session data is stored server-side. The reason for checking things such as user-agent is to help protect against session hijacking, where one person obtains another person's session ID.

P.S: I am no security expert so I prefer using system that are inspected by security-experts: openid, facebook connect, twitter(oauth), google signin, etc

But here is my Checklist(I can think off):

  • use SSL to make sure nobody can read your password when sent over the wire.
  • you should sanitize all your input($_POST, $_GET, $_SERVER, etc). If is not a local variable you should be careful. So for example you should sanitize $_SESSION['is_logged_in'] using this filter => $var = filter_var($_SESSION['is_logged_in'], FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN, FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE); AGAIN You should do that for all input coming from the server, because they aren't safe. The best approach is to use whitelist instead of blacklist. Because there is a chance you will miss something.
  • Use PDO to minimize risk of sql-injection.
  • Don't store your passwords in your database in plain text, but hash them. Still risky business I guess. Because recently gawker/lifehacker has been comprimised(wondering how it could happen?). I guess your phpass is pretty solid because owasp also recommends it.
  • Be aware off for XSS attacks. Is already done because of sanitizing input
  • Take measures against CSRF. This can also be very dangerous if for example you can modify e-mail adress when user is logged in. Next step is to sent an e-mail to reset your password and your system is comprimised.

I am not familiar with phpass but check to see if it uses MD5 because if it does then it's not good enough. Use bycrypt