Codeigniter - Bootstrap Modal - passing data Codeigniter - Bootstrap Modal - passing data codeigniter codeigniter

Codeigniter - Bootstrap Modal - passing data

i really think you are misunderstanding what modal is and what a controller is, you can't do this without ajax call: how does one go about calling the controller via the modal link

what i usually do is to create a view/modals/ folder then put there all my bootstrap modals so for example:


and that will looks as you shown, inside:

<div class="modal fade hide modal-creator" id="myModal" style="display: none;" aria-hidden="true">    <div class="modal-header">        <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal">×</button>        <h3>Edit Gallery</h3>    </div>    <div class="modal-body"><?php echo form_open('url'); ?>    <div class="row">        <div class="span5">            <?php print_r($galleryName); ?>            <div class="control-group">                <?php                    $galleryName = array(                        'id'            => 'galleryName',                        'name'          => 'galleryName',                        'placeholder'   => 'Gallery Name',                        'required'      => 'required',                    );                    echo form_label('Gallery Name:', 'galleryName');                    echo form_input($galleryName);                ?>            </div><!-- /control-group -->       </div><!--/span5-->   </div><!--/row--></div><!-- /modal-body --><div class="modal-footer">    <!-- <p class="span3 resize">The following images are sized incorrectly. Click to edit</p> -->    <a href="javascript:;" class="btn" data-dismiss="modal">Close</a>    <a href="javascript:;" class="btn btn-primary">Next</a></div>

so when i need that single modal i just load it inside the main controller view i want to show up that modal doing simply:

    <body>    <?php echo $this->load->view('modals/my_modal_form'); ?>    <tr>    <td>      <a class="galName" href="#myModal" data-toggle="modal" >        <?php echo $gal['name']; ?>      </a>    </td>    <td>      <?php echo $gal['clientName']; ?>    </td></tr><?php endforeach; ?>    </body>

Ajax is the way to go, i made a template library in wich i load all my modals so they can be called by javscript from anywhere on the app, then use ajax to submit the forms