CodeIgniter + CSS CodeIgniter + CSS codeigniter codeigniter

CodeIgniter + CSS

Anything in the /application folder of CodeIgniter should be considered out-of-bounds. For the best security, you should actually consider keeping /application above your www or public_html folder in a structure such as this:

– application    – controllers    – models    – views    – ...– system    – core    – libraries    – ...– public_html    – index.php

This makes your application code safer.

I’d advise creating your client-side scripts and CSS in a public folder. For example public_html/css and public_html/js. Or, if you wanted to go down the theme route, possibly name each CSS file as the name of the theme, so you’d have css/theme1.css and css/theme2.css.

If your site will always work from the root of a domain, then you can just use:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/layout.css" media="screen" />

But if you feel that you’re going to be moving all sorts of things around, then consider preparing the file location in your controller before sending it to Smarty.

$this->load->helper('url');$this->smarty->assign('css_file', base_url("css/theme1.css"));

That will return:


Or whatever your CodeIgniter URL is.

This will help to link css to codeigniter.

The link_tag is used to link resources and you can use helper function.For example html helper, url helper, email helper, etc.

In your controller you have to create a function something like

<?php class Home extends CI_Controller{    public function helper(){        $this->load->helper('html');            $this->load->view('index');    }}?>

And your index.php in view folder use link_tag keyword.

<html><head><title></title><?php echo link_tag('App01/application/views/css/main.css');?></head><body>    <?php      .......    ?></body></html>

Try adding a symlink to your servers document root folder. (www/public_html/htdocs)

cd (document root folder)ln -s (/App01/application/views/css) .

This way you can access your css folder and keep the current structure.