CodeIgniter Error Log Info + Errors CodeIgniter Error Log Info + Errors codeigniter codeigniter

CodeIgniter Error Log Info + Errors

You will not face the issue in codeigniter 2

$config['log_threshold'] = array(1, 3);

in config/config.php


log_message('info', 'The purpose of some variable is to provide some value.');

where you want to log something will only print that message to the log file, no excess debug code.


In codeIgniter 3, Many system core files have

log_message('info', ******************);


log_message('info', 'Config Class Initialized');log_message('info', 'Controller Class Initialized');log_message('info', 'Hooks Class Initialized');............

That's why when

$config['log_threshold'] = array(1, 3);


$config['log_threshold'] = array(3);


$config['log_threshold'] = 3;

then all the undesired log messages are appearing in log file.

So, the one way is to resolve this is to extend all core files and change




or creating a new thresold, like

in config/config.php

$config['log_threshold'] = array(1, 5);

in core/MY_Log.php

protected $_levels = array('ERROR' => '1', 'DEBUG' => '2', 'INFO' => '3', 'ALL' => '4', 'USER_INFO' => '5');

Full core/MY_Log.php file

class MY_Log extends CI_Log{    protected $_log_path;    protected $_threshold = 1;    protected $_date_fmt = 'Y-m-d H:i:s';    protected $_enabled = TRUE;    protected $_levels = array('ERROR' => '1', 'DEBUG' => '2', 'INFO' => '3', 'ALL' => '4', 'USER_INFO' => '5');    /**     * Constructor     */    public function __construct()    {        parent::__construct();        $config =& get_config();        $this->_log_path = ($config['log_path'] !== '') ? $config['log_path'] : APPPATH.'logs/';        $this->_file_ext = (isset($config['log_file_extension']) && $config['log_file_extension'] !== '')            ? ltrim($config['log_file_extension'], '.') : 'log';        file_exists($this->_log_path) OR mkdir($this->_log_path, 0755, TRUE);        if ( ! is_dir($this->_log_path) OR ! is_really_writable($this->_log_path))        {            $this->_enabled = FALSE;        }        if (is_numeric($config['log_threshold']))        {            $this->_threshold = (int) $config['log_threshold'];        }        elseif (is_array($config['log_threshold']))        {            $this->_threshold = 0;            $this->_threshold_array = array_flip($config['log_threshold']);        }        if ( ! empty($config['log_date_format']))        {            $this->_date_fmt = $config['log_date_format'];        }        if ( ! empty($config['log_file_permissions']) && is_int($config['log_file_permissions']))        {            $this->_file_permissions = $config['log_file_permissions'];        }    }    // --------------------------------------------------------------------    /**     * Write Log File     *     * Generally this function will be called using the global log_message() function     *     * @param string the error level     * @param string the error message     * @param bool whether the error is a native PHP error     * @return bool     */    public function write_log($level = 'error', $msg, $php_error = FALSE)    {        if ($this->_enabled === FALSE)        {            return FALSE;        }        $level = strtoupper($level);        if (( ! isset($this->_levels[$level]) OR ($this->_levels[$level] > $this->_threshold))            && ! isset($this->_threshold_array[$this->_levels[$level]]))        {            return FALSE;        }        if($level == 'USER_INFO')        {            $filepath = $this->_log_path . 'info-log-' . date('Y-m-d') . '.php';        }        else        {            $filepath = $this->_log_path . 'log-' . date('Y-m-d') . '.php';        }        $message = '';        if ( ! file_exists($filepath))        {            $newfile = TRUE;            // Only add protection to php files            if ($this->_file_ext === 'php')            {                $message .= "<?php defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed'); ?>\n\n";            }        }        if ( ! $fp = @fopen($filepath, 'ab'))        {            return FALSE;        }        // Instantiating DateTime with microseconds appended to initial date is needed for proper support of this format        if (strpos($this->_date_fmt, 'u') !== FALSE)        {            $microtime_full = microtime(TRUE);            $microtime_short = sprintf("%06d", ($microtime_full - floor($microtime_full)) * 1000000);            $date = new DateTime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s.'.$microtime_short, $microtime_full));            $date = $date->format($this->_date_fmt);        }        else        {            $date = date($this->_date_fmt);        }        $message .= $level.' - '.$date.' --> '.$msg."\n";        flock($fp, LOCK_EX);        for ($written = 0, $length = strlen($message); $written < $length; $written += $result)        {            if (($result = fwrite($fp, substr($message, $written))) === FALSE)            {                break;            }        }        flock($fp, LOCK_UN);        fclose($fp);        if (isset($newfile) && $newfile === TRUE)        {            chmod($filepath, $this->_file_permissions);        }        return is_int($result);    }}

I realize this question is rather old, but I ran into the same problem myself and was able to modify the Log library to fix it.

modify the write_log function in Log.php as follows:

  public function write_log($level = 'error', $msg, $php_error = FALSE)    {        if ($this->_enabled === FALSE)        {            return FALSE;        }        $level = strtoupper($level);        if ( ! isset($this->_levels[$level]))        {            return FALSE;        }        if (($this->_levels[$level] > $this->_threshold) OR (is_array($this->_threshold) && !in_array($this->_levels[$level], $this->_threshold)))        {            return FALSE;        }        $filepath = $this->_log_path.'log-'.date('Y-m-d').'.php';        $message  = '';        if ( ! file_exists($filepath))        {            $message .= "<"."?php  if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed'); ?".">\n\n";        }        if ( ! $fp = @fopen($filepath, FOPEN_WRITE_CREATE))        {            return FALSE;        }        $message .= $level.' '.(($level == 'INFO') ? ' -' : '-').' '.date($this->_date_fmt). ' --> '.$msg."\n";        flock($fp, LOCK_EX);        fwrite($fp, $message);        flock($fp, LOCK_UN);        fclose($fp);        @chmod($filepath, FILE_WRITE_MODE);        return TRUE;    }

You're then able to specify an array in your config file:

$config['log_threshold'] = array(3, 1);

And then your log file will look something like this:

ERROR - 2013-07-24 13:50:04 --> Severity: Warning  --> INFO  - 2013-07-24 13:50:04 --> The purpose of some variable is to provide some value.ERROR - 2013-07-24 13:50:06 --> 404 Page Not Found --> 404.shtml

quickfix tested on codeigniter 2.1.4





add following lines before $filepath (line 86)

// remove all DEBUG messagesif ( $this->_levels[$level] == 2 ){return FALSE;}