codeigniter get all declared routes codeigniter get all declared routes codeigniter codeigniter

codeigniter get all declared routes

From Controller you can do this


It will show all the routes defined in routes.php.

First of all I'm sorry for my English because "I am NOT SCHOOL". I didn't get much what you are trying to point out. Maybe you want to do similar with this in my experience with CodeIgniter,it is a bad idea to declare $route['(:any)'] = 'customer/profile/$1'; in your routes.

I think the best option you can do is that to create a class to check if username exist in the table of users by using HOOK see therefore when username (unique field) returned then you can modify the $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] to be like this

$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = '/customer/profile/'.$username;

So basically it will modify the SERVER REQUEST before the codeigniter core process it's core processing.

Now, the problem maybe, is when user registered a username that is the same with your controller for sure will not be process since it was modified to route on costumer/profile/blahblah. All you need to do is to create a custom validation to check weather the username already exists on database and or your controller name.

You can do like

if (file_exists(APPPATH."controllers/{$value}.php")) {    $this->CI->form_validation->set_message('is_unique', 'Username is already taken');      return FALSE;}