codeigniter how do i setup routing for controller class and method? codeigniter how do i setup routing for controller class and method? codeigniter codeigniter

codeigniter how do i setup routing for controller class and method?

You don't need further modifications. In fact, even this line is redundant:

$route['report/(:any)'] = 'report/$1';

This one is also redundant:

$route['/'] = 'home/index';

since the default controller is set to 'home' and the default method is always index.

Look at how CI works with URLs:

So, /localhost/report/generate would look for the Report controller, and load its generate method. That's how it works out-of-the-box, no routing needed.

And this route is fine:

$route['recent/(:num)'] = 'home/recent/$1';

If will take the URL /localhost/recent/123 and will load the Home, controller, recent method and will pass 123 as the first method parameter.