Codeigniter - I cannot see database errors Codeigniter - I cannot see database errors codeigniter codeigniter

Codeigniter - I cannot see database errors

One of the solution is adding this at the top of your code -

ini_set('display_errors', 1);

Check link:


Also check your ENVIRONMENT. You can add those settings in your base index.php

define('ENVIRONMENT', 'development');/**---------------------------------------------------------------* ERROR REPORTING*---------------------------------------------------------------** Different environments will require different levels of error reporting.* By default development will show errors but testing and live will hide them.*/if (defined('ENVIRONMENT')){   switch (ENVIRONMENT)   {      case 'development':        /* Report all errors */        error_reporting(E_ALL);        /* Display errors in output */        ini_set('display_errors', 1);      break;      case 'testing':      case 'production':        /* Report all errors except E_NOTICE */        /* This is the default value set in php.ini */        error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);        /* Don't display errors (they can still be logged) */        ini_set('display_errors', 0);      break;      default:          exit('The application environment is not set correctly.');    } }

You can see errors in two ways.

Change you php.ini file set


After change these you have to restart your apache server.

Another option isJust add these two following lines in your function:


No need to restart apache server.

Got it. It looks like the main reason was the fact that php-mysql module was not installed. I had PHP Installed, MySQL installed but not this module. Before that I also updated PHP.ini file, but not sure if that was needed or if the install of php-mysql does it by itself anyways. But here is what I did and hopefully this will help others:


1) Update PHP.INI

Create a info.php file with the content of

<?php phpinfo(); ?>

and launch it to find out the correct location of PHP.INI file. Check the location of PHP.ini file in "Loaded Configuration File" then edit PHP.ini file

# sudo nano /etc/php4/apache2/php.ini

and scroll down to find the existing setting

display_errors = Off

and change it to

display_errors = On

NOTE: There are 2 places where 'display_errors' is mentioned, one close to the top of the file, one a bit below, don't add or uncomment any line in the first section, like I did, as it will be overwritten by the other line below. Just edit the display_errors part by changing 'Off' into 'On', that's what I did

2) Install php-mysql

Then install the php-mysql and restart the webserver

# sudo apt-get install php5-mysql

3) Restart web server

# sudo /etc/init.d/apache2.restart