codeigniter JSON codeigniter JSON codeigniter codeigniter

codeigniter JSON

$forum_list->result() returns an array of results.

If you only want 1 row, use $forum_list->row(), otherwise in the javascript, you'll need to loop through all the rows.

$.each(data, function(i,v){  alert(v.overskrift);});

EDIT: When outputting JSON, do not print anything before or after. You need to remove $this->load->view('includes/footer', $data); after the json_encode. Also, controllers don't return anything.

EDIT 2: Replace if ($data['forum_list'] === true) with if ($data['forum_list'] !== false). The === compares type, and an array is not a boolean.


function forumList(){    $this->db->select('overskrift', 'indhold', 'brugernavn', 'dato');    $this->db->order_by('id', 'desc');    $forum_list = $this->db->get('forum_traad');    if($forum_list->num_rows() > 0)    {        return $forum_list->result_array();    } else {        return false;    }}


function forumThreads() {    $this->load->model('ajax_model');    $data['forum_list'] = $this->ajax_model->forumList();    if ($data['forum_list'] !== false) {        echo json_encode($data['forum_list']);    }}

Try this:

//works only with php 5.3echo json_encode($data['forum_list'], JSON_FORCE_OBJECT);