Codeigniter PHP Warning Codeigniter PHP Warning codeigniter codeigniter

Codeigniter PHP Warning

I was not happy with this answer, you should not have to change php.ini for this work.

I tried to find out why the cwd (current working directory) was being reset and if this was different in newer version of php, but couldn't find anything that was useful.

However since the core still had access to APPPATH I simply changed the line in my index.php file to

$application_folder = getcwd().'/../application';

This should allow your code to be transportable still.

This is not a Codeigniter problem at all. You don't have your include_path set up correctly in php.ini. Basically, the include_path gives PHP a number of different directories to look in when including files.

In php.ini set the folder that application is in as an include_path.