CodeIgniter Sqlite not working CodeIgniter Sqlite not working codeigniter codeigniter

CodeIgniter Sqlite not working

Credits for this fix are with S. Stüvel, J. Bransen and S. Timmer. This is a fix for a specific server, so YMMV. It did the trick for me though.

In pdo_driver.php, starting line 81 change:

    empty($this->database) OR $this->hostname .= ';dbname='.$this->database;    $this->trans_enabled = FALSE;    $this->_random_keyword = ' RND('.time().')'; // database specific random keyword}


if(strpos($this->database, 'sqlite') !== FALSE) {        $this->hostname = $this->database;        $this->_random_keyword = ' RANDOM()';    }    else {        $this->hostname .= ";dbname=".$this->database;        $this->_random_keyword = ' RND('.time().')'; // database specific random keyword    }    $this->trans_enabled = FALSE;}

On line 189 change the entire function _execute($sql) to

function _execute($sql){    $sql = $this->_prep_query($sql);    $result_id = $this->conn_id->query($sql);    if (is_object($result_id))    {        $this->affect_rows = $result_id->rowCount();    }    else    {        $this->affect_rows = 0;    }    return $result_id;}

Then in pdo_result.php change":On line 29 change

public $num_rows;


var $pdo_results = '';var $pdo_index = 0;

on line 36 replace entire function

public function num_rows(){    if (is_int($this->num_rows))    {        return $this->num_rows;    }    elseif (($this->num_rows = $this->result_id->rowCount()) > 0)    {        return $this->num_rows;    }    $this->num_rows = count($this->result_id->fetchAll());    $this->result_id->execute();    return $this->num_rows;}


function num_rows(){    if ( ! $this->pdo_results ) {        $this->pdo_results = $this->result_id->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);    }    return sizeof($this->pdo_results);

Then on line 60 change

function num_fields(){    return $this->result_id->columnCount();}


function num_fields(){    if ( is_array($this->pdo_results) ) {        return sizeof($this->pdo_results[$this->pdo_index]);    } else {        return $this->result_id->columnCount();    }}

Then on line 94 change:

function field_data(){    $data = array();    try    {        for($i = 0; $i < $this->num_fields(); $i++)        {            $data[] = $this->result_id->getColumnMeta($i);        }        return $data;    }    catch (Exception $e)    {        if ($this->db->db_debug)        {            return $this->db->display_error('db_unsuported_feature');        }        return FALSE;    }}


function field_data(){    if ($this->db->db_debug)    {        return $this->db->display_error('db_unsuported_feature');    }    return FALSE;}

then line 146 change:

return FALSE;


$this->pdo_index = $n;

then on line 159 change

function _fetch_assoc(){    return $this->result_id->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);}


function _fetch_assoc(){    if ( is_array($this->pdo_results) ) {        $i = $this->pdo_index;        $this->pdo_index++;        if ( isset($this->pdo_results[$i]))            return $this->pdo_results[$i];        return null;    }    return $this->result_id->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);}

And finally on line 174 change:

function _fetch_object(){       return $this->result_id->fetchObject();


function _fetch_object(){    if ( is_array($this->pdo_results) ) {        $i = $this->pdo_index;        $this->pdo_index++;        if ( isset($this->pdo_results[$i])) {            $back = new stdClass();            foreach ( $this->pdo_results[$i] as $key => $val ) {                $back->$key = $val;            }            return $back;        }        return null;    }    return $this->result_id->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);}

This worked for me. Again, not my work, credit goes out to S. Stüvel, J. Bransen and S. Timmer.Rather long answer, but i hope this helps.

There is a bug in CodeIgniter version 2.1.0 for PDO drivers (They had just added PDO driver in version 2.1.0)

You can see change log for version 2.1.1

Change log for CodeIgniter Version 2.1.1

Please try upgrading your CodeIgniter.

I have Codeigniter 2.2.1 and when I set application/config/database.php the same as OP I can use sqlite database, sort of. I can create new database/file, create new tables and insert data. The problem is that I can't read any.

$query = $this->db->get('table_name');return $query->result_array();

Returns empty array. The same happens when I do.

$query = $this->db->query("SELECT...");

Apparently there are still some bugs. I'm just starting to explore Codeigniter, but when I switch to mysql the same exact Model works as it should.

For the record, everything on my server is set up OK. I can use my sqlite databases just fine, it is just Codeigniter that has problems.