Codeigniter thumbnail image path can not be stored in MySql Codeigniter thumbnail image path can not be stored in MySql codeigniter codeigniter

Codeigniter thumbnail image path can not be stored in MySql

$thumbnail_path = './uploads/'. $thumbnail;

So thumbnail_path contains only "./uploads/" : that tells us that $thumbnail is false (or null or empty string etc.), meaning that the return value of the call to resize is wrong - it seems you expect it to return the file name.

function resize($path, $file) {    $config['image_library'] = 'gd2';    $config['source_image'] =  $path;    $config['create_thumb'] = TRUE;    $config['maintian_ratio'] = TRUE;    $config['width'] = 100;    $config['height'] = 100;    $config['new_image'] = './uploads/' . $file;    $this->load->library('image_lib', $config);    $this->image_lib->resize();}

resize returns nothing! And you assign that nothing to $thumbnail_path. That's your problem.

You seem to have simply copied the code from the CodeIgniter docs. From said docs (emphasis mine):

The above code tells the image_resize function to look for an image called mypic.jpg located in the source_image folder, then create a thumbnail that is 75 X 50 pixels using the GD2 image_library. Since the maintain_ratio option is enabled, the thumb will be as close to the target width and height as possible while preserving the original aspect ratio. The thumbnail will be called mypic_thumb.jpg

So there you have it! If your filename is $data['upload_data']['file_name'], your thumbnail will be $data['upload_data']['file_name'] . "_thumb". Have a look at your file system, the files should be there for you to see.

So to fix your problem, this should do the trick:

 $pathinfo = pathinfo($data['upload_data']['file_name']); $thumbnail_path = './uploads/'. $data['upload_data']['file_name'] . "_thumb" . $pathinfo['extension'];