Codeigniter Undefined Property, or how will my controller stop worrying and learn to love the model Codeigniter Undefined Property, or how will my controller stop worrying and learn to love the model codeigniter codeigniter

Codeigniter Undefined Property, or how will my controller stop worrying and learn to love the model

Had a closer look and the answer is very simple: Try changing this line:

public function __contruct(){

to this:

public function __construct(){


i found the problem. It was in the routes.php. These lines

$route['articles/(:any)'] = 'articles/view/$1';$route['articles'] = 'articles';

I changed to this...

$route['articles/(:any)'] = 'Articles/view/$1';$route['articles'] = 'Articles';

And now I get a 404 because my database is empty, as expected. Still don't know why theses rules...

$route['default_controller'] = 'pages/view';$route['(:any)'] = 'pages/view/$1'

from the first tutorial work without "pages"being capitalized. The world will never know...

First, regarding the comments: print_r($this); is a very bad idea, as it will only confuse you. $this contains almost none of the ci stuff. What you are looking for is print_r(get_instance());

Regarding your problem: ci lowercases member names. Change your line to this and your are good to go:
