CodeIgniter User Authentication CodeIgniter User Authentication codeigniter codeigniter

CodeIgniter User Authentication

The best way is to split your logic into two (or more) controllers.

  • A 'front end' controller - where the user does not need to be loggedin for ANY of it
  • A 'back end' controller(s) - where the user MUST belogged in for ALL of it

In your backend controller just do this

class Backend extends CI_Controller {    public function  __construct()    {        parent::__construct();        if( ! ($this->admin_model->logged_in())        {            // Not logged in - so force them away            redirect ('place login page here');       }    } }

Then EVERYTHING in backend controller is protected.

To take this concept further - look into using a MY_Controller and get all your backend controllers to extend from this.

Either I misunderstood your question, or the solution is very simple.

function books_page() {   if(!$this->admin_model->logged_in()) {      redirect('auth/login'); ## OR $this->load->view("error_page"); exit();   }   ## All your code, etc.}

I would declare a variable on top of the controller like this:

private $logged_in = false;

Then in the constructor I would initialise it like so:

$this->logged_in = $this->session->userdata('logged_in');

Then you can disable the access to desired methods (or the complete controller if you put your check in the constructor):

if($this->logged_in){   //do stuff}else{   redirect(base_url().'login');}