Convert string to array and perform foreach, codeigniter Convert string to array and perform foreach, codeigniter codeigniter codeigniter

Convert string to array and perform foreach, codeigniter

Explode them into an array:

<?php$all_tags = explode( ',' , $p['tags'] );foreach ( $all_tags as $one_tag ){    echo '<a href="#">' . $one_tag . '</a>';}

The explode() function splits the string using a delimiter (in this case the ',' comma) and each item is passed into the array.

I'm not sure I understand what you're asking correctly. Is this what you want?

$var = 'news, lastest';$tmp = explode(', ', $var);$result = '<a href="#">'.implode('</a>, <a href="#">', $tmp).'</a>';var_dump($result);// string(42) "<a href="#">news</a>, <a href="#">lastest</a>"