create and download zip file using php create and download zip file using php codeigniter codeigniter

create and download zip file using php

Why not use the Zip Encoding Class in Codeigniter - it will do this for you

$name = 'mydata1.txt';$data = 'A Data String!';$this->zip->add_data($name, $data);// Write the zip file to a folder on your server. Name it ""$this->zip->archive('/path/to/directory/'); // Download the file to your desktop. Name it ""$this->zip->download('');

... it work for me

public function downloadall(){        $createdzipname = 'myzipfilename';        $this->load->library('zip');        $this->load->helper('download');        $cours_id = $this->input->post('todownloadall');        $files = $this->model_travaux->getByID($cours_id);         // create new folder         $this->zip->add_dir('zipfolder');        foreach ($files as $file) {            $paths = 'http://localhost/uploads/'.$file->file_name.'.docx';            // add data own data into the folder created            $this->zip->add_data('zipfolder/'.$paths,file_get_contents($paths));            }        $this->zip->download($createdzipname.'.zip');    }

  1. What is asset_url() function? Try to use APPPATH constant istead this function:

    $resumePath = APPPATH."../uploads/resume/";
  2. Add "exists" validation for file names:

    foreach ($fileNames as $files) {    if (is_file($resumePath . $files)) {        $zip->addFile($resumePath . $files, $files);    }}
  3. Add exit() after:

    echo json_encode("Cannot Open");

Also I think it's the better desision to use CI zip library User Guide. Simple example:

public function generate_zip($files = array(), $path){    if (empty($files)) {        throw new Exception('Archive should\'t be empty');    }    $this->load->library('zip');    foreach ($files as $file) {        $this->zip->read_file($file);    }    $this->zip->archive($path);}public function download_zip($path){    if (!file_exists($path)) {        throw new Exception('Archive doesn\'t exists');    }    $this->load->library('zip');    $this->zip->download($path);}