Creating custom templates for rendering common pages Creating custom templates for rendering common pages codeigniter codeigniter

Creating custom templates for rendering common pages

Do not call 3 views in one controller function because they will limit you. instead call only one view which calls 3 other view.

this is your plan:


the problem is that your header view will open some HTML tags which will be closed in footer view, such as div#container. That will make your code illegible.

My suggestion is:

$main_data['a']=...$main_data['b']=...$main_data['c']=...$this->general_view('myview',$main_data);protected function general_view($main_view,$main_data){  $data['main_data']=$main_data;  $data['main_view']=$main_view;  $this->load->view('general_view',$data);}

inside general view:

<HTML>  <HEAD>    ....  </HEAD>  <BODY>    <?$this->load->view('header');?>    <div id="container">      <?$this->load->view($main_view,$main_data);?>    </div>    <?$this->load->view('footer',$data);?>  </BODY><HTML>

Use a templating library, Here is a good one : Stencil, Or use : this way

Yes you can, just add a file inside views named masterpage.php, then use the following code:

<html><head></head><body><div class='menu'>My Menu here</div><div class='content'><?php echo $content; ?></div></body></html>

then your views shoud be like

<?php  ob_start();?>content<?php  $content= ob_get_contents();   ob_end_clean();   include("application/views/masterpage.php");?>

I hope it helps.