Default Controller not loading after rerouting Default Controller not loading after rerouting codeigniter codeigniter

Default Controller not loading after rerouting

What you appear to be doing is looking for a controller with the 'sitename' you are passing through. So if you navigate to you route tells it to look for a controller called my-site and run the index method.

The value of the route should be a path to an actual controller / method pair.

$route['sites/([^/]+)/(.*)'] = '$2';

should be

$route['sites/([^/]+)/(.*)'] = 'sites/index/$1/$2';

This is assuming it's the index method that accepts the sitename as it's first parameter in your sites controller.

It's not totally clear what you're asking, but heres a shot:

You need to create an .htaccess file in the root of your site (i.e. in the same folder that your system folder is in). In that file:

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>RewriteEngine onRewriteCond $1 !^(index\.php)RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php/$1 [L]</IfModule>

See the "Remove the index.php file" section of this page: for more info.

Also, the route that you're using would make it so that when you go to, you will see

With the url, sites is your controller, sitename the method or function, and content would be considered a parameter to the sitename function -- this won't work like it seems like you want, but I can't be sure without seeing your controller.

Maybe edit your question and add your controller(s), and we can be of more assistance.


1: $config['base_url'] has nothing to do with routing or which controller is being used, so this is making your question harder to understand.

2: It isn't clear what you are trying to accomplish (sorry).

By idea when I go to

the default controller is not loading.

According to the CI user guide:

CodeIgniter can be told to load a default controller when a URI is not present, as will be the case when only your site root URL is requested. To specify a default controller, open your application/config/routes.php file and set this variable:

So, what this means is that the default_controller is used only when there is no URI present. In other words: the default controller only applies when the URL is, and in no other case will it be used (unless you are using sub-folders in the controllers folder -- see below).

If you trying to make it so that each of your sites has its' own controller, you could use subfolders in your controller folder.

In routes.php:

$route['sites/(:any)'] = "$1";$route['default_controller'] = "content";

Then your folder structure:

So you have your controller folder. In it, create a folder for each site. In each of those controllers create your default controller (named content.php in the above image).

With this setup, will call the default controller (content) from application/controllers/site1/content.php and show the index function of that controller.

If you then want to call other functions of the site1 controller, the URL would look

Hope this helps.

$uri_string=$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];                    $way=explode('/',$uri_string);                       /// print_r($way);//echo $way[3];                        if($way[1]=="sites" and strlen($way[2])>2 and strlen($way[3])<1){                            echo "JAJA ";$route['sites/:any'] = "content/show_page/home";                        }                        else{                           $route['sites/([^/]+)/(.*)'] = '$2';                        }

this was solution. thanks all who answered. thanks stormdrain. you pointed me to a write direction in your routing example. Thanks