echo array of images using codeigniter and mysql echo array of images using codeigniter and mysql codeigniter codeigniter

echo array of images using codeigniter and mysql

You can try with explode, like this :

$images = explode(',',$your query);<?php foreach ($images as $key => $geth) { ?><td><img src="<?php echo base_url()."uploads/hotels/".$geth;?>" width="73" height="53"></td><?php } ?> 

Hope this can help you

You can try the following method:

<?phpforeach($get_hotels as $geth):    $images = explode(',', $geth->hotel_images);    foreach($images as $image): ?><td>    <img src="<?= base_url() . "uploads/hotels/$image"; ?>" width="73" height="53"></td>    <?php    endforeach; ?><?phpendforeach; ?>

This uses explode to separate the values by comma and then, runs a loop over them and prints the image tags.