Enable Query Strings in Code Igniter Enable Query Strings in Code Igniter codeigniter codeigniter

Enable Query Strings in Code Igniter

There are several ways to handle this.

Most People, and Elliot Haughin's Twitter Lib, extend the CI_Input library with a MY_Input library that sets allow_query_strings to true

You will also need to add ? to the allowed characters in config/config.php and set $config['url_protocal'] to PATH_INFO

see here: Enable GET in CodeIgniter

Codeigniter Reactor lets you access $_GET directly or via $this->input->get(). You don't need to use MY_Input or even change your config.php. This method leaves the query string in the URL, however.

I used a hacked index.php to recognise users coming back from Twitter, check for valid and safe values, then re-direct it to to a CodeIgniter friendly URL.

It may not be to everyones taste but I preferred it over allowing query strings throughout the entire application instead of just one particular circumstance.