Generate a token for email verification in CodeIgniter 3 Generate a token for email verification in CodeIgniter 3 codeigniter codeigniter

Generate a token for email verification in CodeIgniter 3

Actually email verification/password generation should be

  1. easy to understand
  2. easy to get back

It means if you send md5 what happen is user get an word length of 32. Its very bad sign.

MD5 example


what I Suggest you is

In codeigniter there is an helper call String. Use that.

There is 5 different choices to pick you

  1. alpha
  2. alnum
  3. basic
  4. numeric
  5. nozero

How to use this?

Load helper in controller


Then just add this

random_string([$type [, $len]]) ;

Example :

random_string('alnum', 8);

How these diff with each other ??

Assume : length is 8 in these scenario.


This will just print String with UPPER Case


This will print String with UPPER and LOWER Case
Example JdKsPeeU


This will print random number using mt_rand() in php.
Example 12756079


This will print Numeric string.
Example 01234567 (Not used. So not sure)


This will print and number. But there is no zeroExample 12345678 (Not used. So not sure)

FYI: I never used numeric and nozero. So i have no idea about the example. But all other function are i used.