Getting boolean values from PostgreSQL Getting boolean values from PostgreSQL codeigniter codeigniter

Getting boolean values from PostgreSQL

To complete Narf's answer, here a generic class to convert into native boolean php type pgsql returns. Beware this is not an optimal solution because it will convert every string "f" or "t" into a boolean, regardless the column in the Db is a boolean or not.

<?phpclass PgSqlObject{    public function __set($name, $value)    {        if ($value === 'f')            $value = false;        elseif ($value === 't')            $value = true;        $this->$name = $value;    }    public function __get($name)    {        if (isset($this->$name))        {            return $this->$name;        }    }}$this->db->query($sql)->custom_result_object('PgSqlObject');

there is a better solution: use PDO driver, e.g.:

$db['default']['dsn']      = 'pgsql:host=localhost;dbname=base';$db['default']['username'] = 'username';$db['default']['password'] = 'password';$db['default']['dbdriver'] = 'pdo';$db['default']['port']     = 5432;

then your results will be in the correct types

response in postgre driver (json_encode):

{    "created_at": "2017-10-20 12:20:49",    "created_by": "82027609253",    "updated_at": "2017-10-20 12:20:49",    "updated_by": "82027609253",    "deleted": "f",    "id": "184",    "codigo_ibge": "1501402",    "uf": "PA",    "nome": "Belém"}

response in pdo driver (json_encode):

{    "created_at": "2017-10-20 12:20:49",    "created_by": 82027609253,    "updated_at": "2017-10-20 12:20:49",    "updated_by": 82027609253,    "deleted": false,    "id": 184,    "codigo_ibge": 1501402,    "uf": "PA",    "nome": "Belém"}


If you're using booleans while inserting or updating data, CodeIgniter will convert them, but it can't do that while fetching records because it has no knowledge of the data types it reads - it's a Query Builder, not an ORM.

What you can do is create a bunch of classes to represent your specific result sets and use custom_result_object() or custom_row_object() when fetching.
Obviously, the 't'/'f' to true/false conversion would have to be performed by these custom-made objects.