How can i increase the font size of codeigniter captcha helper How can i increase the font size of codeigniter captcha helper codeigniter codeigniter

How can i increase the font size of codeigniter captcha helper

You are changing the correct parameter, whether in the core file or the application/helpers file.

Double check the font that you are using. Some fonts have one size and that is it. The default font file (texb.ttf) has only one size (? I think...).

I am using the following configuration:

//----- Captcha Implementation -----$this->load->helper('captcha');$captchaSetup = array(    'img_path'   => './captcha/',    'img_url'    => base_url()."captcha/",    'font_path'  => './assets/fonts/E004007T.TTF',    'img_width'  => 250,    'img_height' => 50,    'expiration' => 7200);$capData['cap'] = create_captcha($captchaSetup);

Pick a font file and place it in the fonts folder and try it out.

You may use "true type" fonts in captha's font_path to get a bigger size. Try to set path/to/your/ttfont.ttf in font_path and then pass a greater value to font_size. It should work!