How does Codeigniter receive the ajax post data in controller How does Codeigniter receive the ajax post data in controller codeigniter codeigniter

How does Codeigniter receive the ajax post data in controller

Change your ajax this:

$.ajax({        url : "<?php echo base_url(); ?>welcome/login"        type : "POST",        dataType : "json",        data : {"account" : account, "passwd" : passwd},        success : function(data) {            // do something        },        error : function(data) {            // do something        }    });

Change your controller this:

public function login() {    //$data = $this->input->post();    // now I can get account and passwd by array index    $account = $this->input->post('account');    $passwd = $this->input->post('passwd');}

I hope this work for you...

In ajax request pls use base_url('welcome/login'), like this

$.ajax({        url : "<?php echo base_url('welcome/login'); ?>"        type : "POST",        dataType : "json",        data : {"account" : account, "passwd" : passwd},        success : function(data) {            // do something        },        error : function(data) {            // do something        }    });

Use like this in controller

public function login() {    $account = $this->input->post('account');    $passwd = $this->input->post('passwd');}

I think this is work :)

Home is the controller name and login_data_submit is the function name

$.ajax({        data:{'userName':userName,'loginpassword':loginpassword},        url:'<?php echo base_url(); ?>index.php/Home/login_data_submit',        type:'post',        success:function(data) {            alert(data);        });

Controller like

public function login_data_submit(){        $data=array(            'username'=>$this->input->post('userName'),            'loginpassword'=>$this->input->post('loginpassword'),        );            }