How is clear page cache in the CodeIgniter How is clear page cache in the CodeIgniter codeigniter codeigniter

How is clear page cache in the CodeIgniter

You need to manually delete the cached items in the application/cache folder.

function delete_cache($uri_string=null){    $CI =& get_instance();    $path = $CI->config->item('cache_path');    $path = rtrim($path, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);    $cache_path = ($path == '') ? APPPATH.'cache/' : $path;    $uri =  $CI->config->item('base_url').            $CI->config->item('index_page').            $uri_string;    $cache_path .= md5($uri);    return unlink($cache_path);}

public function clear_path_cache($uri){    $CI =& get_instance();    $path = $CI->config->item('cache_path');    //path of cache directory    $cache_path = ($path == '') ? APPPATH.'cache/' : $path;    $uri =  $CI->config->item('base_url').    $CI->config->item('index_page').    $uri;    $cache_path .= md5($uri);    return @unlink($cache_path);}/** * Clears all cache from the cache directory */public function clear_all_cache(){    $CI =& get_instance();    $path = $CI->config->item('cache_path');    $cache_path = ($path == '') ? APPPATH.'cache/' : $path;    $handle = opendir($cache_path);    while (($file = readdir($handle))!== FALSE)     {        //Leave the directory protection alone        if ($file != '.htaccess' && $file != 'index.html')        {           @unlink($cache_path.'/'.$file);        }    }    closedir($handle);       }