How to access Controller class in CodeIgniter How to access Controller class in CodeIgniter codeigniter codeigniter

How to access Controller class in CodeIgniter

Take that method out of that controller.

Assuming you have a User model, that is a great place to put it if it is authenticating a user and logging them in.

Other places that you may put repeatable code is in helpers (static functions) and libraries (classes).

Take the function to a Model or code it in a library.

Helpers I won't recommend as you are not advised to access the database from Helpers.

Easy way out is put it in a model say user_model and call it by any controller anywhere.

I put a check login method in base controller, which is extended by all controllers. Now if a controller's action requires users to be logged in, I call it there like parent::_check_login(), if the whole controller requires it I call it from the constructor of that controller, that's all.