How to call a custom sibling method of custom helper in codeigniter and use database How to call a custom sibling method of custom helper in codeigniter and use database codeigniter codeigniter

How to call a custom sibling method of custom helper in codeigniter and use database

Probably following should work

<?php defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');if(!function_exists('getCrud')){    function getCrud($table_name, $subject)    {        // some code    }}if(!function_exists('oneToMany')){    function oneToMany()    {        $CI =&get_instance();        $crud = getCrud($table_name, $subject);        return $crud ;    }}

    class Gc_script    {        public $CI;        public function __construct()        {            $this->CI =& get_instance();            $this->CI->config->item('base_url');        }        public function getGrocreyCrud($table_name, $read=null)        {            $crud = new grocery_Crud();            $crud->set_table($table_name);            $crud->set_subject(ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $table_name)));            $crud->callback_delete(function ($primary_key) use ($table_name) {                return  $this->CI->db->update($table_name, array('flag'=>'0'), array('id'=>$primary_key));            });            return $crud;        }   }

<?php     defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');    function getCrud($table_name, $subject)    {          // some code    }     function oneToMany()    {        $CI =&get_instance();        $crud = $CI->getCrud($table_name, $subject);        return $crud ;    }

try this