How to export CSV file in code igniter? [closed] How to export CSV file in code igniter? [closed] codeigniter codeigniter

How to export CSV file in code igniter? [closed]

Codeigniter has a built in class for this. Try this:

$this->load->dbutil();$this->load->helper('file');$this->load->helper('download');$query = $this->db->query("Your SQL Here");$delimiter = ",";$newline = "\r\n";$data = $this->dbutil->csv_from_result($query, $delimiter, $newline);force_download('CSV_Report.csv', $data);

You can see for here how to export database result into CSV file

or you can create helper with this code

if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');if ( ! function_exists('array_to_csv')){    function array_to_csv($array, $download = "")    {        if ($download != "")        {                header('Content-Type: application/csv');            header('Content-Disposition: attachement; filename="' . $download . '"');        }                ob_start();        $f = fopen($download, 'wb') or show_error("Can't open php://output");        $n = 0;                foreach ($array as $line)        {            $n++;            if ( ! fputcsv($f, $line))            {                show_error("Can't write line $n: $line");            }        }        fclose($f) or show_error("Can't close php://output");        $str = ob_get_contents();        ob_end_clean();        if ($download == "")        {            return $str;            }        else        {                echo $str;        }            }}if ( ! function_exists('query_to_csv')){    function query_to_csv($query, $headers = TRUE, $download = "")    {        if ( ! is_object($query) OR ! method_exists($query, 'list_fields'))        {            show_error('invalid query');        }        $array = array();        if ($headers)        {            $line = array();            foreach ($query->list_fields() as $name)            {                $line[] = $name;            }            $array[] = $line;        }        foreach ($query->result_array() as $row)        {            $line = array();            foreach ($row as $item)            {                $line[] = $item;            }            $array[] = $line;        }        echo array_to_csv($array, $download);    }}/* End of file csv_helper.php *//* Location: ./system/helpers/csv_helper.php */

And then your controller function look like this

function create_csv(){$this->load->helper('url');                $this->load->helper('csv');            $query = $this->db->query('SELECT * FROM <tablename>');            $num = $query->num_fields();            $var =array();            $i=1;            $fname="";            while($i <= $num){                $test = $i;                $value = $this->input->post($test);                if($value != ''){                        $fname= $fname." ".$value;                        array_push($var, $value);                    }                 $i++;            }            $fname = trim($fname);            $fname=str_replace(' ', ',', $fname);            $this->db->select($fname);            $quer = $this->db->get('<tablename>');            query_to_csv($quer,TRUE,'Products_'.date('dMy').'.csv');        }}