How to get path of view file in codeigniter How to get path of view file in codeigniter codeigniter codeigniter

How to get path of view file in codeigniter

I'm not sure if this is a proper way but you can try this, just create a helper file i.e. my_helper.php in your application/helper folder and paste following function in this helper file

function get_view_path($view_name){    $target_file=APPPATH.'views/'.$view_name.'.php';    if(file_exists($target_file)) return $target_file;}

To use it you have to load the helper file first and then call the function with the name of the view as the function's argument

$this->load->helper('my_helper');$path_to_view = get_view_path('welcome'); // Will return the path if welcome.php exists in the view folder.

You can auto load it using config.php's $autoload['helper'] = array('functions_helper');

It should be the constant: