How to restrict the upload image ratio to 16:9 in codeigniter? How to restrict the upload image ratio to 16:9 in codeigniter? codeigniter codeigniter

How to restrict the upload image ratio to 16:9 in codeigniter?


it the Preference you to maintain ratio

Specifies whether to maintain the original aspect ratio when resizing or use hard values.

For more details

$data_upload = $this->upload->data();$file_name = $data_upload["file_name"];$file_name_thumb = $data_upload['raw_name'].'_thumb' . $data_upload['file_ext'];$this->load->library('image_lib');$config_resize['image_library'] = 'gd2';    $config_resize['create_thumb'] = TRUE;$config_resize['maintain_ratio'] = TRUE;$config_resize['master_dim'] = 'height';//Check link 1 below$config_resize['quality'] = "100%";$config_resize['source_image'] = './' . $user_upload_path . $file_name;//for 16:9 width is 640 and height is 360(Check link 2 below)$config_resize['height'] = 360;$config_resize['width'] = 640;$this->image_lib->initialize($config_resize);$this->image_lib->resize();$data["file_name_url"] = base_url() . $user_upload_path . $file_name;$data["file_name_thumb_url"] = base_url() . $user_upload_path . $file_name_thumb;


  1. index function: load the view upload_example to display the upload form.
  2. do_upload function: save uploaded file to web server, resize the file and display result.

    • userfile: is the file input name we created in the upload form.
    • user_upload_path: is the location on web server to save uploaded files. It must be writable.
    • maintain_ratio = TRUE: to maintain aspect ratio
    • master_dim = height: the height is used as the hard value
    • height and width resized image’s height and maintain ratio.

CodeIgniter View to display resized image

<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head>    <meta charset="utf-8">    <title>CodeIgniter Upload And ReSize Image Maintain Ratio</title></head><body><?php    if(isset($upload_error))    {        echo $upload_error;    }    else    {        ?>        <strong>Thumbnail:</strong>        <p><img src="<?php echo $file_name_thumb_url;?>" /></p>        <strong>Original:</strong>        <p><img src="<?php echo $file_name_url;?>" /></p>        <?php    }?></body></html>


  1. Codeigniter Preferences
  2. 16:9 ratio width and height
  3. refer this article

<form action="up.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"><input type="file" name="files" multiple id="files"/></form>

This is up.php

list($width, $height) = getimagesize($_FILES['files']['tmp_name']);//i gave sample ratio 2.5 and 0.4 you can adjust yourselfif(abs($width / $height) >= 2.5 || abs($width / $height) <= 0.4) {echo 'Image ratio is invalid';exit ;}