How to save mpdf generated file to a folder? How to save mpdf generated file to a folder? codeigniter codeigniter

How to save mpdf generated file to a folder?

Short answer is to put the full path where you plan to save the file. Like so...


You can use write file helper for this


File Helper

For this follow these simple steps. Follow BASEPATH instead of APPPATH

$path   =   BASEPATH . 'file/invoice';if(is_dir($path)){    $this->mpdf->Output(realpath($path).'arif.pdf','F'); }else{    echo 'error';}


Here is an alternative solution which you might likeGo to application/config/constants.php and add constant there

define('FILE_PATH' , $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."my_project/file/");

Then use it like this.

$this->mpdf->Output(FILE_PATH ."invoice/arif.pdf",'F');

I found the solution. This is very simple. As for as mPDF library is concerned, it does not parse the base_url(). Instead we have to work with $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; In my case i have done as; Open the config.php in Application/config folder and insert the following;


Now it is a peace of cake to call the config; Here is I have done in the controller;


The Problem is solved. Do let me know if there is any technical or logical issue with my code.