how to subtract numbers with decimal point in php how to subtract numbers with decimal point in php codeigniter codeigniter

how to subtract numbers with decimal point in php

$result = floatval($list->mx_time) - floatval($list->m_time);echo round(floatval($result),2);

I am giving somethng in other way around..

10:32 means 10 hours 32 mins

SO first we need to explode it like this

$start_time = explode(":",$m_time);   //where m_time = 10:32$start_time_hr = $start_time[0];$start_time_min = $start_time[1];$start_tot_min = intval($start_time_hr*60) + $start_time_min;


$end_time = explode(":",$mx_time);   //where mx_time = 11:45$end_time_hr = $end_time[0];$end_time_min = $end_time[1];$end_tot_min = intval($end_time_hr*60) + $end_time_min; //converting hour to min + min

now $total_min_diff = intval($end_tot_min - $start_tot_min);

then total hr_diff = intval($total_min_diff/60);

total min_diff = intval($total_min_diff%60);

There for time difference is $hr_diff Hours and $min_diff Minutes


<?php echo "The total Difference Is : ".$hr_diff." Hours & ".$min_diff." Minutes.";?>

try this:

$datetime1 = new DateTime('17:13');$datetime2 = new DateTime('10:32');$interval = $datetime1->diff($datetime2);$elapsed = $interval->format('%H:%i');echo $elapsed;

Just use it like this

$result = $list->mx_time - $list->m_time;echo round($result,2);

values are float, so don't use string functions