How would I use ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE in my CodeIgniter model? How would I use ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE in my CodeIgniter model? codeigniter codeigniter

How would I use ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE in my CodeIgniter model?

You can add the "ON DUPLICATE" statement without modifying any core files.

$sql = $this->db->insert_string('table', $data) . ' ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE duplicate=LAST_INSERT_ID(duplicate)';$this->db->query($sql);$id = $this->db->insert_id();

I hope it's gonna help someone.

The below process work for me in Codeigniter 3.0.6

public function updateOnDuplicate($table, $data ) {    if (empty($table) || empty($data)) return false;    $duplicate_data = array();    foreach($data AS $key => $value) {        $duplicate_data[] = sprintf("%s='%s'", $key, $value);    }    $sql = sprintf("%s ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE %s", $this->db->insert_string($table, $data), implode(',', $duplicate_data));    $this->db->query($sql);    return $this->db->insert_id();}

You can tweak the active record function with minimal addition:

DB_driver.php add inside the class:

protected $OnlyReturnQuery = false;public function onlyReturnQuery($return = true){    $this->OnlyReturnQuery = $return;}

find function query( ...and add at the very beginning:

    if ($this->OnlyReturnQuery) {        $this->OnlyReturnQuery = false;        return $sql;    }

and finally in DB_active_rec.php add function:

public function insert_or_update($table='', $data=array()){    $this->onlyReturnQuery();    $this->set($data);    $insert = $this->insert($table);    $this->onlyReturnQuery();    $this->set($data);    $update = $this->update($table);    $update = preg_replace('/UPDATE.*?SET/',' ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE',$update);    return $this->query($insert.$update);}

Now you can use it as:

$this->db->insert_or_update('table',array $data);

Pros: uses all the active record validationCons: it is not the best (the most proper) way of extending the function, because if you are planning to update these files, you will have to redo the procedure.