image file success upload in localhost, but it can't in server using CI image file success upload in localhost, but it can't in server using CI codeigniter codeigniter

image file success upload in localhost, but it can't in server using CI

same issue i was fetched in past, and i have got solutioni have replace my current system/libraries/upload.php file with my old ci version 3.0.4

There are possible problems mentioned below,

  1. File upload path is incorrect.
  2. The server might have file size limit set and you are uploading the file that exceeds that limit. Also, check for these settings on your server: max_execution_time, max_input_time, upload_max_filesize, memory_limit

  3. File permission issue.

First of all, check if your file upload directory has permission 755 OR 777. If not change to 755 and try again.

If it does not resolves the problem then have a look at this: Codeigniter upload file not working online but works on localhost

I replace all the old CI files, except the MVC and config folder. And then it's fix like a magic lol