Insert single quote or double quote to the database with codeigntier Insert single quote or double quote to the database with codeigntier codeigniter codeigniter

Insert single quote or double quote to the database with codeigntier

you can use both type of quote. there's no reason to use sinlge / double quote.

<input type='text' name='name' value='<?=($activity->name); ?>' class='form-control'><input type="text" name="name" value="<?=($activity->name); ?>" class="form-control">

Use form helper:

$data=array(    'class' => 'form-control',    'name' => 'name',    'value' => set_value('name', $activity->name));echo form_input($data);

Or if you don't want to escape anything

'value' => set_value('name', $activity->name, false)

Every question has a solution.

I tired with assigning config and all what i can do. Finally find the best solution for you. Now you don't want to add htmlspecialchars() for all the function. Just use below code.

One more thing In CI there method call html_escape($var) read about that too as well


Go to system/core/input.php(I'm using CI 3 so go to line 254)

Change this

public function post($index = NULL, $xss_clean = NULL){    return $this->_fetch_from_array($_POST, $index, $xss_clean);}

to this

public function post($index = NULL, $xss_clean = NULL){    return htmlspecialchars ($this->_fetch_from_array($_POST, $index, $xss_clean));}

In order to use this form method should be method="post". and in controller you have to use $this->input->post('');. $_POST will not work for yours.

Example - Code

In view(sample form)

<?php echo form_open('welcome/form'); ?><h1>Create Contact Form Using CodeIgniter</h1>    <?php echo form_label('Student Name :'); ?>    <?php echo form_input(array('id' => 'dname', 'name' => 'dname')); ?>    <?php echo form_label('Student Email :'); ?>    <?php echo form_input(array('id' => 'demail', 'name' => 'demail')); ?>    <?php echo form_submit(array('id' => 'submit', 'value' => 'Submit')); ?><?php echo form_close(); ?>

In Controller

echo $this->input->post('dname');

Input & Output

Input is This is some <b>bold</b> text. which i took from


Output is This is some <b>bold</b> text.


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