Installing Bonfire for Codeigniter Server and Install link issues Installing Bonfire for Codeigniter Server and Install link issues codeigniter codeigniter

Installing Bonfire for Codeigniter Server and Install link issues

here's my work around (I'm on linux btw):

1) make sure mod_rewrite is enable on your apache setup.

2) add <VirtualHost *:80> DocumentRoot "/path/to/your/htdocs/bonfire/public" ServerName ServerAlias <Directory "/path/to/your/htdocs/bonfire/public/"> AllowOverride All Order allow,deny Allow from all </Directory></VirtualHost>

3) edit your /etc/hosts file, add this line Bonfire.Root

4) restart your apache

5) access bonfire on, instead of http://localhost/Bonfire_Root/public

hope it helps

I would suggest no need to use htaccess if you are working on local environment.about your error when you click on install button after that in your url put your project folder name like 'host:port/yourprojectname/public/index.php' . would redirect to you next page to get installation process done.

I had same problem but in windows yes working on mac and windows quite similar. When i clicked on install it goes to http//localhost/public which is not correct url so i have change by adding my project name after localhost http//localhost/project/public/index.php.Major difference between mac and window while using PHP is s you have to use ip address in place of localhost.

Assuming you are installing bonfire in windows D:\ drive and path of you index.php is "D:/xampp/htdocs/bonfire" please follow below steps:

 1. Edit your `D:/xampp/htdocs/bonfire/index.php` file  

DocumentRoot "D:/xampp/htdocs/bonfire"

  1. Open your httpd.conf file (in case of xampp path will be D:\xampp\apache\conf\httpd.conf) and add this in the end of your file.

 NameVirtualHost localhost
<VirtualHost localhost>
DocumentRoot D:/xampp/htdocs/bonfire
ServerName localhost

##### ## ## DOMAIN of myproject ##### NameVirtualHost <VirtualHost> DocumentRoot D:/xampp/htdocs/bonfire/public ServerName </VirtualHost>

note that is a naming convention i have given to my website and mentioned it inside my C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts file so as convenient to you, choose any name suitable to you

  1. Edit C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts file.

Add below lines in hosts file. localhost ::1 localhost 4. Restart Apache and now open your web page ``

This solution works 100%, I have been fighting up with same issue and now finally its fixed. Just try it and get back to me in case of any issue.