Login Api AdWords in PHP (Codeigniter) without auth.ini Login Api AdWords in PHP (Codeigniter) without auth.ini codeigniter codeigniter

Login Api AdWords in PHP (Codeigniter) without auth.ini

First of all you can find info (including the service endpoint url) about using the Analytics API as a test account here: https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/test-accounts

Secondly, the readme states to use the following method to set your service:

$campaignService = $user->getCampaignService('v201306', 'https://adwords.google.com');

Lastly it seems the parameters you are using to initial the AdWordsUser object are a bit off, the readme also states the following:

$user = new AdWordsUser(NULL, NULL, NULL, $developerToken,     $applicationToken, $userAgent, $clientCustomerId, NULL, NULL,     $oauth2Info);