Message: Configured database connection is persistent. Aborting Message: Configured database connection is persistent. Aborting codeigniter codeigniter

Message: Configured database connection is persistent. Aborting

I had the same issue, and found that it was just a matter of changing a setting:

Modify your database.php config file and turn 'pconnect' to false. As part of the CI 3 Framework, it would be part of this array:

$db['default'] = array(    'pconnect' => FALSE // This value);

Or if your config file looks more like the CI 2 version:

$db['default']['pconnect'] = FALSE;

A bit of searching seems to suggest that the database doesn't like a persistent connection, possible because of security reasons.

Disable caching in database.php file, define caching folder in database.php by

'cachedir' => APPPATH.'cache/db/',

setting and only use


command where you want your database query being cached.

Don't forget to use


after select queries for unwanted cached results.

It seems like codeigniter 3.0 doesn't support sessions using database, when persistent is enabled.form:

However, there are some conditions that must be met:

Only your default database connection (or the one that you access as $this->db from your controllers) can be used. You must have the Query Builder enabled. You can NOT use a persistent connection. You can NOT use a connection with the cache_on setting enabled.