Need a code sample showing how to post to Wordpress using Codeigniter Need a code sample showing how to post to Wordpress using Codeigniter codeigniter codeigniter

Need a code sample showing how to post to Wordpress using Codeigniter

After much gnashing of teeth, this seems to work:

function doPost(){    $this->load->library('xmlrpc');    $bloguser = "theUserID";    $blogpass = "thePassword";    $blogid = 1;     $publishImmediately = TRUE;    $thePost = array(array('title'  => array('this is the title','string'),                            'description'    => array('this is the description','string')                            ),                     'struct');                   $myPost = "my post";    //$this->xmlrpc->set_debug(TRUE);    $this->xmlrpc->server("", 80);    $this->xmlrpc->method('metaWeblog.newPost');    $request = array($blogid, $bloguser, $blogpass, $thePost, $publishImmediately);    $this->xmlrpc->request($request);    $result = $this->xmlrpc->send_request();    if ( !$result )    {        echo $this->xmlrpc->display_error();    }    else    {        echo '<pre>';        print_r($this->xmlrpc->display_response());        echo '</pre>';    }}

The important part is to note the struct for the elements of the actual post.