Not giving access to certain method in controller when session is not set in codeigniter Not giving access to certain method in controller when session is not set in codeigniter codeigniter codeigniter

Not giving access to certain method in controller when session is not set in codeigniter

Check this It might help you

class MY_controller extends CI_controller{    function __construct() {        parent::__construct();    }    function _required_user($params =array()){        $action =$this->router->fetch_method();        if(empty($params['except']))            $params['except'] =array();        if(empty($params['only']))            $params['only'] =array();        if(count($params['except']) > 0 && in_array($action,$params['except']))            return true;            if(count($params['only']) > 0 && in_array($action,$params['only']) && $this->session->userdata('is_login'))            return true;        if($this->session->userdata('is_login'))                return true;        redirect('login');      }       }class dashboard extends MY_Controller {  function __construct() {        parent::__construct();        $this->load->library('session');        $this->load->model('dbmodel');        $this->load->helper('url','form');        $this->_required_user(array('except'=>array('index')))          }    function add(){    /*    Session required    */      }    function edit(){    /*    Session required    */      }    function index(){    /*    no session required    */    }  } class content extends MY_Controller{    function __construct() {        parent::__construct();        $this->load->library('session');        $this->load->model('dbmodel');        $this->load->helper('url','form');        $this->_required_user(array('only'=>array('index')))            }    function add(){    /*    no Session required    */      }    function edit(){    /*    no Session required    */      }    function index(){    /*    session required    */    } }  class Myaccount extends MY_Controller{    function __construct() {        parent::__construct();        /*        for all functions session required        */        $this->_required_user()         }    function edit(){    /*    session required    */    }    function save(){    /*    session required    */    } }
  1. Only param: check session is exist for only given functions/function
  2. Except param: Don't check session for given functions/function
  3. No Param : check session for all function in controller and redirect

You can modified _reuired_user function according to your requirement

you can try the following - if it helps

create in your application/core folder a class named MY_Controllersomething like

class MY_Controller extends CI_Controller{    public function checkUserSession()    {        if($this->session->userdata("unverified") != FALSE)         {            redirect("verify_user");        }        return true;    }}

after that your dashboard controller should look like

class dashboard extends MY_Controller {    public function show_dashboard()    {        if ($this->checkUserSession())        {            //your code        }    }}

Create a library with any name i created Users.

class Users {    public function __construct()    {        $this->ci =& get_instance();    }    function _is_logged()    {        if(!$this->ci->session->has_userdata('unverified'))        {            redirect('verify_user');        }    }}

Load the library or put it in to autoload in application/config/autoload.php

Then just call the function at the top of your methods which one you want to restrict.

function abc(){    $this->users->_is_logged();    // your code}